Big Data is a chance for getting better insights

Big data is too impor­tant a top­ic to leave it to peo­ple in math­e­mat­ics and infor­ma­tion sci­ences. Big Data affects pol­i­cy, soci­ety and busi­ness — it holds oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks. In Europe the ten­den­cy is to look at the dan­ger, in the US peo­ple focus on the oppor­tu­ni­ties of Big Data.

To expand the oppor­tu­ni­ties we should not only have guar­an­teed own­er­ship and accu­ra­cy of our pri­vate data but also an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty in access to data; there­fore we need a con­sen­sus in soci­ety for cer­tain reg­u­la­tions how to han­dle Big Data. (Mindmap: Big Data — Rudi Klaus­nitzer)


  • „We are get­ting a micro­scope on society.”
  • „We are more and more able to pre­dict developments.”
  • „We have to take the chances of Big Data to avoid the dangers.”
  • „Big Data strength­ens the strong and weak­ens the weak.”
  • „Wer die Zukun­ft ken­nt, dem gehört sie.”
  • „Big Data wird stat­tfind­en, mit oder ohne uns.”
  • „In mein­er Jugend gab es nur Chan­cen — heute ist es viel schwieriger.”

Rudi Klaus­nitzer is media-man­ag­er, entre­pre­neur and author of the book „Das Ende des Zufalls: Wie Big Data unser Leben vorher­sag­bar macht”. He was an expert at our SURPRISE FACTORS SYMPOSIUM in Gmunden.