The throw-away mentality is obsolete
Courageous role models inspire people. That is why ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and Frauen im Trend launched the women4future-talks. Two Upper Austrian MUTmacherinnen, who are pioneers in their fields, were brought in front of the curtain....
Ernährung, Gesundheit, Wissen – Konferenzbericht
Aufgrund von ernährungsbedingten chronischen Krankheiten kommen uns in Österreich viele gesunde Lebensjahre abhanden. Das Erschreckende daran: vor allem Kinder und Jugendliche sind mehr und mehr von sogenannten "Zivilisationskrankheiten" betroffen.
Insgesamt nehmen ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen wie Adipositas,...
Factsheet | Insekten als Lebensmittel
Durch den Anstieg der Weltbevölkerung wird der Fleischkonsum bis 2030 um 72 % steigen. Produktionsflächen fehlen. Insekten könnten eine Option zur Vermeidung der Ernährungs- und Klimakrise sein. Was sind die Fakten?
An entirely new format for discussions is the FutureTalk, which is organized by Bezirksrundschau together with ACADEMIA SUPERIOR. It enables a thematically free and unrestricted discussion by renowned representatives from Upper Austria's economy, science...
What if no one undertakes anything anymore?
On May 4th, we discussed, what entrepreneurship has to provide for the future and what it takes to be successful.
How do you act in an entrepreneurial manner in a world where growth is no...
Conference ESSEN:TIELL —,,
Groceries are not only essential (hence the title essen:tiell, derived from "Essen" = food, eat and "essentiell" = essential) to provide nutrition but their production is also an important part of the Upper Austrian...
X‑Events — essential for human progress
Only societies which have confidence in their institutions are resilient
John L. Casti is an American mathematician and system theorist. He is senior research fellow at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New York and...
Public Consultation: Energy Policy Perspectives Upper Austria 2050
Thank you for contributing to the discussion. Your comments will be considered in the finalization of the "Energy Policy Perspectives Upper Austria 2050."
Unitl July 27, 2012 the 'Energy Policy Perspectives Upper Austria 2050' were...
Energy Policy Perspectives Upper Austria 2050
ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and the Federation of Upper Austrian Industry hosted an Energy forum on June 26, 2012 at 7.30 p.m. at RaiffeisenForum Linz.
Energy policy with all its societal, economic, ecological and political challenges -...