Video series: The Future after the Pandemic
What are the social, economic and political effects of the pandemic? How do we deal best with the situation? And what could a future after the pandemic look like?
Academia Superior was founded at a...
The throw-away mentality is obsolete
Courageous role models inspire people. That is why ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and Frauen im Trend launched the women4future-talks. Two Upper Austrian MUTmacherinnen, who are pioneers in their fields, were brought in front of the curtain....
Go the extra mile
ACADEMIA SUPERIOR invited "Mr. Runtastic" Florian Gschwandtner to a talk with Markus Hengstschläger to present his new book "So läuft Start-Up". They talked about individual stages of his life, the lessons he draws from...
Old Prejudices – New Opportunities
Those who retire today are looking at another 20 healthy years with great potential and numerous opportunities. However, old age is fraught with prejudice. The potential of active aging has not yet arrived in...
Factsheet | Global Shift
Eine tektonische Plattenverschiebung der Weltwirtschaft ist in vollem Gange. Die ökonomischen, kulturellen und politischen Machtzentren der Welt shiften zurück in Richtung Osten. Was sind die Fakten?
Lessons from Silicon Valley for Upper Austria
New innovation strategies and technologies such as artificial intelligence were the topic of the expert talk with Burton Lee.
"The global economic competition between locations is determined by the capability for innovation." With this statement,...
Oberösterreich internationaler machen
Immer mehr Studierende und Fachkräfte aus aller Welt folgen dem guten Ruf heimischer Hochschulen und Arbeitgeber und kommen nach Oberösterreich. Doch die meisten von ihnen verlassen die Region wieder nach dem Ende ihrer Ausbildung...
Internationalize it!
How to attract and keep International Students and Professionals in Upper Austria?
More and more students and professionals from all over the world are attracted by the reputation of local universities and employers and move...
Leadership in turbulenten Zeiten
Was passiert wenn plötzlich Märkte kollabieren (Finanzkrise 2007), Kriege Absatzmärkte vernichten (Russland-Ukraine-Krise) oder technologische Revolutionen etablierte Kernkompetenzen entwerten (Übergang zum Smartphone)? Überraschend entstehende Brüche im Wettbewerbsumfeld stellen Führungskräfte vor große Herausforderungen. Wie verhalten sich...
Global Shift – It’s shifting everywhere
The year 2010 has been a turning point in global history: For the first time in the last 200 years the USA and European Union together generated less than 50% of the worlds GDP.