Christine Haberlander presents the dossier dementia in Upper Austria

A dementia friendly Upper Austria

Demographic change and the aging of the population result in increasing numbers of dementia-cases. This is a growing challenge not only for those affected, but also for relatives, the care sector, the health system...

YOUNG ACADEMIA Future Conference

As part of the Science Holidays at Johannes Kepler University Linz, we took the opportunity to talk to children and young people about the future. On four days, 9 to 11-year-olds developed creative ideas...

The throw-away mentality is obsolete

Courageous role models inspire people. That is why ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and Frauen im Trend launched the women4future-talks. Two Upper Austrian MUTmacherinnen, who are pioneers in their fields, were brought in front of the curtain....

Future Mobility

Major changes are imminent in the mobility sector. With autonomous and networked vehicles, aerial drones, hyperloops, hydrogen, electric and hybrid drives, a number of new technologies are available to radically change our mobility habits. But...
Stakeholderforum Dementia

Being able to live well with dementia in Upper Austria

A growing challenge An estimated 21,000 people are living with dementia in Upper Austria. This stroke of fate is associated with great stress for those affected and their relatives. There is still no cure in...

Measuring the Future

Is human behavior becoming more and more predictable through the combination of intelligent algorithms and the digital footprint? What are the consequences of this development? These questions were at the center of discussions at...
Michal Kosinski at the Plenum 2019

Is Privacy an Illusion?

Artificial intelligence and digital technologies were the focus of the 9th Surprise Factors Symposium of ACADEMIA SUPERIOR. The invited experts discussed the risks and opportunities of technological developments and the use of data that...
Academia Superior – Gesellschaft für Zukunftsforschung