„Currently, there is hardly any other area that is changing as fast as the media industry.” With this statement, ORF Director General Dr. Alexander Wrabetz opened the DIALOGUE with the Academic Director of ACADEMIA SUPERIOR Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger. The reason for this change: Digitization and the internet have been turning the media world upside down in the last several years.
„A society can not rely solely on the private market to adequately cover such an important task as providing information.” — Alexander Wrabetz
How does this process change the position of public service media? To shed light on this question, ACADEMIA SUPERIOR invited the ORF Director General to Linz for a discussion. „The ORF is in the center of public interest two days before the big media enquete of the Federal Government. That makes it all the more important to discuss the future of public service media, especially with regard to digitization”, said LH-Stv. Dr. Michael Strugl — President of the ACADEMIA SUPERIOR — welcoming the more than 400 guests in the south wing of Linz Castle. Also KommR. Dr. Andreas Mitterlehner — CEO of HYPO Upper Austria and cooperation partner of the evening — was convinced of the relevance of the ORF for society.