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Factsheet | Global Shift

Eine tektonische Plattenverschiebung der Weltwirtschaft ist in vollem Gange. Die ökonomischen, kulturellen und politischen Machtzentren der Welt shiften zurück in Richtung Osten. Was sind die Fakten?
Einblick in die Publikation: Internationalize it!

Oberösterreich internationaler machen

Immer mehr Studierende und Fachkräfte aus aller Welt folgen dem guten Ruf heimischer Hochschulen und Arbeitgeber und kommen nach Oberösterreich. Doch die meisten von ihnen verlassen die Region wieder nach dem Ende ihrer Ausbildung...

Internationalize it!

How to attract and keep International Students and Professionals in Upper Austria? More and more students and professionals from all over the world are attracted by the reputation of local universities and employers and move...
Gabriel Felbermayr, Gerhard Wölfel, Günter Kitzmüller, Michael Strugl, Stefan Doboczky, Michael Aschaber und Moderator Klaus Obereder am Podium

Global Shift – It’s shifting everywhere

The year 2010 has been a turning point in global history: For the first time in the last 200 years the USA and European Union together generated less than 50% of the worlds GDP. Emerging...
Global Shift Studie Grafik

Global Shift

Im Lauf der Geschichte hat es immer Verschiebungen der Kräfteverhältnisse der Weltregionen gegeben. Über Jahrhunderte hinweg waren der Nahe, Mittlere und Ferne Osten Europa in technologischer, ökonomischer und kultureller Hinsicht weit überlegen. Seit der industriellen...
On the podium: Elisabeth Eidenberger (OÖN), Michael Strugl (Academia Superior), Brigitte Haider (Oberbank), Wolfgang Güttel (JKU), Thomas Windischbauer (Silhouette)

Leadership in turbulent times

In a cooperation with LIMAK Austrian Business School, a team around Wolfgang Güttel - head of the Institute for Human Resource & Change Management at the Johannes Kepler University Linz - examined, how business...
Study: Leadership in turbulent times

12 Rules of Thumb for good Leadership

In a cooperation between ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and LIMAK - Austrian Business School, a team headed by Professor Dr. Wolfgang Güttel (Institute for Human Resource & Change Management at the Johannes Kepler University Linz) examined...
FutureTalk with Meinhard Lukas, Alois Ferscha, Michael Strugl, Manuela Macedonia, Michael Shamiyeh and presenter Thomas Winkler


An entirely new format for discussions is the FutureTalk, which is organized by Bezirksrundschau together with ACADEMIA SUPERIOR. It enables a thematically free and unrestricted discussion by renowned representatives from Upper Austria's economy, science...


At the beginning of ACADEMIA SUPERIOR‘S fifth operational year, we opened an academic discourse to answer the question about how to take the ascent to join the circle of the best. In discussions with...
Meinhard Miegel

What if no one undertakes anything anymore?

On May 4th, we discussed, what entrepreneurship has to provide for the future and what it takes to be successful. How do you act in an entrepreneurial manner in a world where growth is no...
Academia Superior – Gesellschaft für Zukunftsforschung