ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and the Federation of Upper Austrian Industry hosted an Energy forum on June 26, 2012 at 7.30 p.m. at RaiffeisenForum Linz.
Energy policy with all its societal, economic, ecological and political challenges — has a central role in Upper Austria. The distinct industry structure, the highest proportion of per capital production in comparison to other regions of Austria and the energy intensive industry of Upper Austria make it the region with the highest per capital energy consumption in Austria.
Since energy policy is of central importance for the future, ACADEMIA SUPERIOR and the Federation of Upper Austrian Industries discussed the questions of a reliable, economic and environmentally sustainable energy supply and the availability of the respective resources for life and economy in Upper Austria.
Therefore an expert-based processed for drafting energy policy perspectives for Upper Austria 2050 was stared in 2012. It was guided by a high-ranking steering committee. A number of renowned experts discussed and worked on the following six fields:
- sustainable energy system
- energy efficiency and potentials in main consumers
- effective energy infrastructures with international implications
- economy and innovation in energy and environmental technology
- energy research
- strong national and European networks and partners
In April 2012 there was a reflection workshop with regional and national experts to discuss the directions and perspectives.
At the energy forum on June 26, 2012 the draft of the energy policy perspectives for Upper austria 2050 were presented to the public. In the successive public consultation until July 27 people were invited to participate in the discussion about energy policy perspectives.
The finalization of the paper is planned for autumn 2012. A shortened preliminary version can be downloaded below.
Energy Forum on June 27, 2012
Words of Welcome
- LAbg. Mag. Michael Strugl MBA, Obmann ACADEMIA SUPERIOR
- DI Dr. Joachim Haindl-Grutsch, Geschäftsführer IV Oberösterreich
Opening Talk
- Landeshauptmann Dr. Josef Pühringer
- Generaldirektor Dr. Heinrich Schaller, Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ
Österreichs Energiepolitik im Lichte der europäischen Entwicklungen: Chancen, Risken, Perspektiven - Sektionschef DI Christian Schönbauer, Sektion IV/Energie und Bergbau, BMWFJ
Energiepolitische Perspektiven Oberösterreich 2050 - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schneider, JKU, Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats von ACADEMIA SUPERIOR
Videostatements der Mitglieder der Projektsteuergruppe
Discussion with leading experts
- DI Dieter Drexel, IV Österreich, stv. Leiter des Bereiches Industriepolitik
- Dr. Andreas Geisler, FFG, Programmleitung Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
- Dr. Florian Haslauer, A.T. Kearney
- Dr. Josef Kinast, Siemens AG Österreich, Vorstand der Niederlassung Linz
- Angela Köppl, WIFO
- Prof. Mag. Herbert Lechner, Österreichische Energieagentur, stv. Geschäftsführer
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Schleicher, Universität Graz