We outline new ways for the future of Upper Austria
ACADEMIA SUPERIOR – Institute for Future Studies is a non-profit association with the task of identifying and analyzing current challenges at a local, national and international level and inferring recommendations for action for decision-makers in Upper Austria.
As a bipartisan institution, ACADEMIA SUPERIOR develops recommendations to best prepare the country for the future.
To achieve this, we analyze the present and ask: Which changes have surprised us the most recently? And what impact will these changes have on our lives and our society?
ACADEMIA SUPERIOR — Thinking ahead und acting
The symposium is the core of our work. Experts from various disciplines are invited to discuss and debate the greatest discoveries, developments and surprises of recent years in their respective disciplines.
The results are then specified in the context of open discussions on the Internet, in workshops, events, publications and research assignments. Possible solutions for Upper Austria are made-to-measure.
An important idea at ACADEMIA SUPERIOR is that scientists from a wide range of disciplines are brought together to discuss the future. This work goes beyond the daily activities at the university, beyond individual disciplines. It is some kind of academic exchange that unites and transcends discipliens. That is ACADEMIA SUPERIOR.