A Practical Guide to the Future

In a fast mov­ing world, busi­ness­es need to keep up with data analy­sis and pat­tern spot­ting to iden­ti­fy future oppor­tu­ni­ties. Anne Lise Kjaer presents a unique method­ol­o­gy for glob­al trend spot­ting along with prac­ti­cal tools and approach­es to help com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions analyse mar­ket changes and deter­mine the way ahead. The toolk­it includes fea­tures such as ‘How to cre­ate your own Trend Atlas’ and ‘How to Use Trends in Action’, along­side case stud­ies and pro­files of pre­vi­ous research projects for major orga­ni­za­tions. She encour­ages read­ers to become mar­ket lead­ers rather than fol­low­ers, by devel­op­ing a ‘future-ori­en­tat­ed mind­set’ to inter­pret con­tra­dic­tive influ­ences and iden­ti­fy trends as they emerge.

At the right you can find a read­ing sam­ple from the new book „The Trend Man­age­ment Toolk­it — A Prac­ti­cal Guide to the Future”


  • Trend fore­cast­ing methods
  • How to spot trends and make sense of them
  • Under­stand­ing and using a Trend Toolkit
  • How to cre­ate your own Trend Atlas
  • Nav­i­gat­ing the future, plus major trends to 2030+
  • Future sce­nar­ios — tomorrow„s consumers
  • Prac­ti­cal trend map­ping & how to build the busi­ness case
  • Trend Man­age­ment in action & indus­try case studies

Anne Lise Kjaer is CEO and founder of the British Future and Trend Research Agency Kjaer Glob­al Ltd. Inter­na­tion­al well known as futur­ist, trend researcher and author.

Born in 1962 in Den­mark, Kjaer stud­ied Design and found­ed the future research agency Kjaer Glob­al Research Agency in 1988.  Kjaer and her team already worked for com­pa­nies such as IKEA, Swarovs­ki, Sony, Nokia and Toyota.
In her stud­ies Kjaer focus­es on key devel­op­ments in the social sci­ences, Glob­al Stud­ies and the areas of tech­nol­o­gy, trans­porta­tion, urban­ism, design and environment.

Based on a unique method Kjaer Glob­al devel­oped a future man­age­ment toolk­it which helps com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions to work out suc­cess­ful future strategies.